Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Today is my 'Monday'.

To achieve the goal of becoming the most un-boring married couple, we went up Bukit Tinggi last Sunday. We purposely chose that day to avoid the pests uhh... I mean school children. The original plan is to accompany my husband to Kulim on Monday 'coz he had some work there, but the Kulim work was postpone to next week and I was too lazy to cancel my Monday leave. So my good 'ol hubby decided to take a leave also (can you believe it, until now he only took 1/2 day leave in 2006?).

I've been to Bukit Tinggi once to play paintball but this time we stay for a night (back then cannot laa... not married yet maa.. :P). We checked in the hotel on Sunday noon so it's weekday rate (yay!). Went to try archery - it was so damn hard, it's a miracle I didn't accidentally shoot any living thing that day. Went bowling also - yeah I know, all the way up just to bowl?

After dinner we went to Colmar Tropicale, ya know that 'old French town' theme place? I think I watched this place a couple of time in some cheap-ass Malay drama. Were supposed to be in 'overseas' la konon. Complete with sweater and scarf summore. Haiyo tuan director, if in real European country, why la everyone have hidung pesek and dark skin? :P So anyway, we were told that there'll be a dance performance that night, so off we went.

To a girl who never set foot in Europe (or any other country for that matter.... *sob sob*) the place is pretty ok. They have the wishing well, clock tower, and French this and that.. like "Le Vin" which probably translated to Malay as "Kedai kopi dan tempat mabuk2" or sumthing like that, heh. Oh speaking of "Le Vin"...

Wan went to Colmar few years ago with some of his male buddies and they decide to try the restaurant/cafe. I don't know la maybe Wan and buddies didn't look uhh.. sophisticated/kaya raya/anak towkay balak, or maybe he didn't wear a sunglasses and letak atas kepala (macam hero2 drama Melayu buat kalau diaorg gi vacation), the stupid waitress girl had the gall to say, "Kitaorg kt sini tak jual makanan melayu macam mee goreng ke camtu. Kalau nak mee goreng korang kena gi makan kt bawah (maksudnya kt luar Colmar ler tu)". She said that before they even tell her what they want! Seriously, Wan's friends are highly educated and professionals in their own field (law, accountancy and ahem... architecture) and that dumb girl is just a fucking waitress! That's a lesson of "Don't judge a book by it's cover" to you.

That place was no more (maybe because of Wan and gang's curse hehehe) and was replaced with a bar/cafe "Le Vin".

Ok, back to my story.

We stayed to watch the dance performance. Guys were drooling over the dancers. The dancer girls wore skimpy revealing costumes (you can even see their pubic hair if you focus enough) but I have to admit I didn't blink also admiring their move and well-tones body. (I want legs and butts like that goddamit!!!!). They lack of originality but hey, we're bored :-) . Have to give chance to Wan ogling sexy women also maa..

Came back to the hotel to rest but end up tiring ourselves more and the next morning, Monday, while you guys dreaded to go back to work hehehe.. We went to the Japanese Tea Garden and again to the Colmar. The place was like 'macam bapak aku yg punya'. Not too many people there except some Singaporean tourists.

I think I had such a good time this weekend just because I got to spend uninterrupted time with my love. Actually, there were nothing much to do in Bukit Tinggi... only suitable for honeymoon couple, like us (hehe). Next vacation will be an adventurous one. We already set up a permanent 'Entertainment/Jalan2 fund' which I think it such a swell idea.

Man, I couldn't imagine marrying someone so dormant, yg duduk rumah make babies jer kerjanya.....

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